Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Around the House!

"Batter up" - Watch out Morris boys and Danny, you may have some competition.

He likes to pull up on his toy basket.

Every kid's favorite toy.

Loves playing under the chair. Look at my tongue!
Driving his big red car.

Friday, April 25, 2008

An Afternoon at the Park!

We decided to go to the park last week. It was a blast! I hope it turns warmer so we can go again soon.
Philip loved the swing.

Sorry, I don't know why I filmed it this way.

First time down the slide!
This pretty much sums up what he thought of the sand.

Philip's first Boo-Boo!

Philip got his first boo-boo yesterday. (Notice the bruising under his eye.) It makes me so sad, but I know there will be more to come. He was actually sitting and fell over on a toy. After crying for a few seconds he was ready to play again.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Wedding!

My cousin, Nathaniel is now married to a wonderful girl, Kim. Kim is very sweet and down to earth, a great addition to the family. It was awesome to see my relatives at the wedding. I wish I would have taken more pictures of everyone.
Philip was happy to be there, he got to stay up way past his bedtime.
Dad, Mom and Erin (Bryon was sitting with the Wedding Party).
This is Aaron! He is Kerri and Brian's little boy. He was so good, and has the prettiest blue eyes!
Hanging out with Jeff and Stacie.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring Days!

It has been a while since I've blogged (camera out of batteries). So much has changed. Philip is now crawling - well it actually looks like "the worm." We lowered his crib as low as it goes. That is the first thing that made me a little sad. I feel like I do not have an infant anymore. Even when shopping for clothes, he wears some 9 months, but I've been buying 12 months.
Love the Legs!!!
Philip loves being with Mommy right now.
I better enjoy it while I can!
This is one of my favorite pictures.
I tried to get him to smell the flower, but of course it went straight to the mouth.
We're planting a garden this year.
Later that day, Philip helped Daddy hang some things.